17 March 2008

A Perak Story-Final Part

Upon realising the Village Head has been angered by the nonsensical thoughts and actions of the Families, the Families got together after dinner and trashed out all their problems at the dinner table and came to the agreement to support the leader, Member C, selected by the Village Head. The Families seemed to be determine to make their staying together in the large house works.

Village Head, who is full of wisdom and compassion, also instructed the Families to write him an undertaking to agree on the Head selected to avoid future dispute; which all Families duly complied. Upon receiving the undertakings, Village Head solemnised the appointment of Member C as the Head of the House. There was a sigh of relief by all families as they cheered the successfully formed union despite of the initial setback. In the meantime, the rich and powerful family which was kicked out of the house earlier could only watch with awe and still wondering what went wrong with them! The Village Head was heard proudly saying that the success in ironing out the matter was due to 1) avoidance of personal interest and gain, 2) selecting a leader irrespective of race and religion but based on experience and qualifications, ie merits, 3) give and take attitude towards problem solving and 4) common sense. It is a major step forward. By joining hands, a major disaster is averted. Hopefully, the union will be a major success and will be copied by others over and over again.

A happy and understanding family is an important hallmark in striving to build purposeful, effective, and democratic institutions of government.

"The family is the foundation of this society. And here's what I know. It's the place where we find deep human fulfillment, and where we find love. It is where character of our nation is shaped, and where values are forged. Families provide us with comfort and encouragement, compassion and hope, mutual support and unconditional love. No family is perfect, but every family is important." (President Bush, 2002)

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